My First Blog!!

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Hi! So. Here I am blogging for the first time. Yes I’m aware it’s 2017 and I’m a bit late to the party but I’ve kind of been busy swiping left and right on absolute time wasters for a good few years. I have zero idea what I’m doing on here so please don’t judge my first few posts!!

I thought I’d introduce myself… so as my page suggests, I online date. And I pretty much hate it. Always have. But I think (I know) I’m a little addicted to it. It’s the weirdest thing. I have deleted the apps and “given up forever” so many times I couldn’t even make up a “more times than you’ve had hot dinners” quote.

All my friends who are happily married or in long term relationships (yey for them) have loved hearing about my failing love life over the last few years and have continually said I should write all of this down. So here I am. Attempting to write things down! I will be sharing ridiculous messages I get off people (obviously I’ll be changing their names), I’ll be sharing my dating stories and I’ll be sharing the life I lead as a single person in my mid 30s.
I’m very aware it’s a Friday night and that sitting on my sofa under a blanket on my own trying to figure out how all of this works is not going to find me a man… but it’s cold and rainy outside. And anyway, I have Tinder to look through. And Plenty of Fish. And Bumble. And Ok Cupid. And Happn………….

I hope it entertains you as much as it entertains my mates/family/work pals. If you wish to follow me on Instagram find me @ItStartedWithASwipe #itstartedwithaswipe

5 thoughts on “My First Blog!!

  1. Hey there!

    I am your first official stalker…errr fan! I read your latest post about the ghoster from Egypt, then I commented, then I followed, then I read more, then I was just hooked! You are a great storyteller! You should have been doing this years ago girl!

    You’re very much like me, except I am 36, fatter than you, and a bipolar mess of a woman addicted to chatting sites and online relationships. But that’s a whole ‘nother story!

    I got a good one for you though, what happens when you’re on an online dating site and you meet a MURDERER???? Dun…Dun…Dun… like actually committed a double murder and dun..dun..dun… they were his parents???!!! I mean how’s THAT for a conversation starter. I mean I give him credit, he wanted to be up front and get it out of the way, but goddamn…..

    Anyway, you don’t have to follow me or read my mess, but I am in the same boat as you, just on a different spectrum of it. Good luck out there and be careful!!!

    Look forward to reading more!! xoxo

    (Oh and as a side tip, use more tags, like #love, #relationships, #life, they can get you more followers. You can use up to 10 tags if you REALLY want to get your blog out there).

    Happy blogging!


      1. You’re very welcome! Yes, an actual murderer. Killed both his parents. Don’t ask me WHY he told me, but he did and I even looked him up and read an article on him. Crazy world we live in!


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